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Noob Solder Paste question

Started by billstein, March 03, 2014, 03:16:50 AM

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Just got a tube of solder paste for an smd reworking station. Hopefully I can phrase my question in a way that makes sense.

It comes with a cap on that needs to be replaced with the needle like applicator. That needle like applicator doesn't seal it up airtight. Do I need to take it off, clean it up and put the smaller cap back on. The reason I'm asking is it is a hassle to clean that needle like applicator. I ended up using a small E guitar string to run through it.

I guess what I'm asking is soldering paste affected by air? Does it dry out? If not then I don't have to worry about taking the needle like applicator on.

Hope that makes sense.


Could you post a picture of the applicator?  I usually use gluing syringe tips but I never clean them; they are disposable.

Solder paste does get old and lose effectiveness.  Usually, you can help it by adding some flux back in ( make sure it's the right kind ).

At work, we keep it on the freezer when not using it and throw it out after about 6-12 months.
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The needle will get groaty but usually cleans itself out when you use it again. Keep in a dark cool place. 

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Thanks guys. I think I'll just go with the groaty but cleans itself out.


I've got a syringe one that doesn't have a needle, so I use a small flat head screwdriver to apply it to the board. My new one is in a pot that I apply using a syringe and needle, although the paste is so thick I can't suck it up, so I dip the needle in the paste then apply it to the pad.

Also, keep solder paste in the fridge to extend it's life, although you need to let it warm up for a few hours before use.

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