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Weener wah vs modded crybaby?

Started by zilla, February 08, 2014, 09:25:15 PM

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I have a gcb95 that I have modded according to most of the mods on the web site (a pot, vocal mod, switchable mid freq. gain boost)

What will the Weener wah give me that I don't have with my modded crybaby?




It'll give you a platform to play around with some component values, different inductors etc to get to the sound you really like. If you want to fine-tune your wah sound, get two boards and put sockets on one of them. If you hit the sweet spot, solder those values to the second board. Thinking of it, I might get this going myself, sounds like a nice idea...... Oh, don't forget to mess around with different pot tapers!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


If you've done the "stinkfoot mods" (which have been going around longer than Stinkfoot has existed ) then you've for the most part tricked out your wah as much as you can on that PCB. You can rig up a sweep cap rotary, or even an inductor cap rotary and come close, add a trimmer to some of the resistors you've replaced instead - But the Weener is as mentioned a complete modifiable platform. It includes a boost (that can be set at unity)as well that will help you get past fuzzes and take things up a notch. My weener is still in a state of flux. I need to quit messing with it and just put the darn thing into my shell.
head solder jockey, part time cook: cranky&jaded