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Mangler - trimpot "1" marking on PCB means ???

Started by dont-tase-me-bro, April 27, 2014, 08:01:49 PM

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I was about to solder in the trimpot, and I noticed the "1" on the PCB.  Does that indicate leg 1?  I bought a trimpot from Small Bear which fits perfectly in the space, but the leg it has marked "1", is on the other side.

Do I have the wrong type of trimpot, or am I interpreting the PCB incorrectly?

If there is one thing I've learned recently, soldering is way easier than de-soldering.

I thought this would save me money.


It looks to me like the the 1 on the PCB indicates pin 1 and that's consistent with the schematic as well. But, as long as the middle pin on your trimmer is pin 2 (the pot's wiper), the orientation of pins 1 and 3 isn't going to matter because the trimmer is a linear pot and it doesn't really matter which way you need to move it as long as you can dial in the right resistance to set the bias voltage level.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


I thought this would save me money.