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Zero Point SDX Delay time issue

Started by blearyeyes, February 10, 2014, 07:00:05 AM

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Testing a Zero Point SDX and the delay time goes from Slap Delay to Micro Slap delay.......
I have audio, feedback works, modulation speed LED is working..

Where to start....If you could help me narrow it down ?

I socketed all resistors mentioned in the Build DOC, tried a few different PT Processor chips.
In the mean time going to proceed with the usual Trouble Shooting Procedures.


I would maybe say take the delay time pot out and measure it's resistance as you turn the pot and see if it's the right value and fully functional. I've had broken pots before

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


sounds like a good first step... sometimes is hard to know where to start  :o


Things work so much better when you solder ALL of the parts in..... SHEESH! R44 was missing...R45 is supposed to be omitted which I did. Along with R44.

I'm so freakin happy when it works!


Now all I have to do is BOX IT NOW THAT I ROCKED IT!

This will be challenging!


Nice! Not an easy build at all! Post a build report when boxed!


Quote from: blearyeyes on February 11, 2014, 02:40:26 AM
Things work so much better when you solder ALL of the parts in..... SHEESH! R44 was missing...R45 is supposed to be omitted which I did. Along with R44.

I'm so freakin happy when it works!
Don't I know it! Trust me, plenty of us do this more than once!
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.