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Makes me cry a little

Started by juansolo, February 07, 2014, 09:23:54 AM

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Two of my pedals up for sale at the moment on a UK forum, and the fella is selling them for less than the cost of the parts :(

Tempted to buy them back and sit on them until someone is prepared to pay sensible money for them...
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on February 07, 2014, 09:23:54 AM
Two of my pedals up for sale at the moment on a UK forum, and the fella is selling them for less than the cost of the parts :(

Tempted to buy them back and sit on them until someone is prepared to pay sensible money for them...

I also noticed that post dude   :'(

It is a pretty tight a*se crowd over there isn't it ;)


Quote from: raulduke on February 07, 2014, 09:46:35 AM
It is a pretty tight a*se crowd over there isn't it ;)

That doesnt even come close, i had a seymour duncan 59 neck pickup with short leads, and wrapped with electrical tape on there.  Due to the leads and tape i put it on for £20 + postage, pretty fair i thought.  Only had an offer of £20 delivered, so that would be £17 in my pocket, i dont think so, mate.

Stuck it on ebay, and got £40+ not including postage.


Yeah I've sold a few things over there and there are a lot of 'I really want it, but can you do it for ....' messages that you get.

Lot of good people as well to be fair though. I think Tight-arse-ness must be a contagious forum phenomena  ;D!


Quote from: juansolo on February 07, 2014, 09:23:54 AM
Two of my pedals up for sale at the moment on a UK forum, and the fella is selling them for less than the cost of the parts :(

Tempted to buy them back and sit on them until someone is prepared to pay sensible money for them...
I can see how that would cause a bit of a twinge. But, you've got to adopt the philosophy of sand paintings about these types of things. Or, maybe think about what it's like to make an artisan Scotch that's a 20 year old single malt -- people are gonna enjoy it for a bit and then just piss it out. I used to need to think about those types of things when some piece of code I wrote that I thought was particularly elegant got shit-canned in an upgrade.

Jim Hall said it much better though. I was watching an interview with him where he was discussing his philosophy of making art and the interviewer brought up Hall's point of living in the moment and the interviewer compared it to living day-by-day. Hall's response was note-by-note. It's pedal-to-pedal for you. Revel in the pedal you create today.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


I notice someone bought your Gainster pedal on ebay for £40 last week and is now trying to sell t for £60 !


Quote from: juansolo on February 07, 2014, 09:23:54 AM
Two of my pedals up for sale at the moment on a UK forum, and the fella is selling them for less than the cost of the parts :(

Tempted to buy them back and sit on them until someone is prepared to pay sensible money for them...


Also here is my $0.02
I assume you sold the pedals to this guy in the first place, who is now selling it, so in a way you already made your cut?
Or did I mis-read between the lines there?

Ive built stuff for people then they flipped it straight away which is a bit gutting, especially when you are trying to establish yourself as a purveyor of quality goods. In both instances it wasnt an issue with the build or quality or anything like that, simply they bought a pedal that they didnt know exactly what the sounds would be like then realised this doesnt work on their setup or whatnot, but still....

So in a way I feel your pain, but you gotta think there is always gonna be depreciation on the used market and you made your cash the first time round.

One last thing also is people have no idea the time it takes to make a quality pedal.
To them, its not a brand name, so there its devalued immediately and then of course they assume "its only £20 in parts" but that obviously doesnt include time, investment in parts stashes, equipment etc etc


They were sold to someone else who then changed his amp and had no use for them. I assume this fella bought them. I've made what I'm going to make on them of course. It just smarts when I see them valued for so little. FWIW it looks like they've sold for £25 each, delivered. Forum is The Fretboard. Good forum, even if they are all almighty pikeys.

Which brings me to the conclusion I've come to recently. Selling custom pedals in the UK is a waste of time. I can only think of a couple of people doing it and they're pretty much giving them away. Exporting them is pointless as exchange rates bugger that, and the fact that getting stuff here to build it isn't exactly cheap in the first place.

Nah, stick to DIY I shall /Yoda.

As for moving on to the next pedal; I spent the day fettling Cleggy's mini-Doppelganger into an enclosure and testing it out. Bloody hard work (harder than the big one!), but it sounds brilliant and is tick free! Really quite pleased with my extreme tartiness on the wiring too.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: LaceSensor on February 07, 2014, 04:21:23 PMOne last thing also is people have no idea the time it takes to make a quality pedal.
To them, its not a brand name, so there its devalued immediately and then of course they assume "its only £20 in parts" but that obviously doesnt include time, investment in parts stashes, equipment etc etc

So true. But I've never understood why people think that. No other item you buy is made for free that I can think of. All of them have labour and other costs incorporated. Weird isn't it!?

Though I have just volunteered to make a Harbinger for someone far too cheaply. Don't know what the hell I was thinking when I quoted him... Oh well, I shall honour it of course. Serves me right I suppose, I'm so used to not hearing from people again when they ask prices, I wasn't really thinking when I fired the reply off.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


To be frank Ive given up selling stuff for cheap. I used to make stuff for cost of parts or even sometimes free for "famous" people
fuck that. If you value your stuff at £x, then thats what other people will value it at.
Anything I make now I sell for respectable money or not at all.

My biggest regret is selling a beautiful Memory Man for £100... :(
Killer, killer build, MN3005 the whole shebang. The guy did buy 5 other pedals off me, so group discount I suppose, but in my mind that pedal owed me more than £100 really, the parts were over half that.

These days I flog some Lovetone clones on eBay whenever i want to recoupe some DIY costs but more and more I am losing the need to build myself anything as I have everything I need already.
Ill probably start selling off parts (most likely just boxes Ive acquired) and concentrate on the really hard projects / big projects like the Lovetone Flanger, and then just make the Lovetone clones for people / eBay and whatever one offs come along.

A resounding "meh" from me then. I feel your pain.


Yep, right there with you. I've built everything now and am winding down big time. I really enjoy building the hard stuff so might do the same and stick with that.

As it stands, I've got the Hashishian and a PS-1A going begging at £250 and £150 respectively and I won't sell them for less. I've had a famous (-ish, I know who he is) bloke enquire and say he might want me to build one for him in future. But I know I won't hear from him due to the cost.

Gonna stick them on ebay shortly and just get shot of them.

I share your meh. I only do it now to keep the hobby as cheap as possible. I think if I broke even (which I would if both of those sold, so very close...) I'd probably stop building to sell as often and just stick to odd builds for regulars.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk