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Pedalsnake from snake

Started by mandrewbot3k, February 08, 2014, 05:18:06 PM

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Has anyone ran into issues with a diy pedalsnake?

I have this one ( from monoprice, and havent made my power connection yet, because I'm a little worried about running my board off of it, although, most of my pedals are low power. They are only 25AWG.

Anyone see any issues? Maybe i should add an inline fuse to the power line?

my plan was to run 9v on one pair, one stereo to my reverb/trem switch for the amp, and then just use the other two for my A/B to my normal/top boost channels (AC15c1). I could split the stereo cable but why waste the effort when i dont need the other channel.

(Formerly roflcopter)