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Sea Urchin stopped giving repeats

Started by garfo, February 02, 2014, 11:48:53 AM

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So, I have had the Sea Urchin Working for a coup'le of months and decided to change it to a smaller better box.
While doing that and rewiring everything,I tested it and it worked.Then, I replaced an old 22n cap(C13) with a new one and after that something happened and I'm really frustrated.I've rearranged the damaged trace in that area.
The delay now only gives me one repeat.I've checked for missing or cut traces and rearranged some, changed the wires from the repeat Pot, changed both IC's, and the result is the same.Only one repeat.
Anyone can help?
Only mods I've made was using 100k pots for volume and for Time I used a 100k pot with a 100k resistor across.besides that everything is stock as in Madbean project.


I can't be of much help as I too am currently staring at a non-working Sea Urchin.
But FWIW, I've build three on vero so far and one that had a "one repeat only" issue also had a few microscopic solder bridges (quite often on vero builds).


I'm not sure what it was, but I corrected a trace that appeared to be broken and cleaned evrything and it started working.
This thread is dead ;P
Quote from: muddyfox on February 02, 2014, 11:56:34 AM

I can't be of much help as I too am currently staring at a non-working Sea Urchin.
But FWIW, I've build three on vero so far and one that had a "one repeat only" issue also had a few microscopic solder bridges (quite often on vero builds).