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Cosmopolitan problem

Started by Gm76, January 20, 2014, 05:31:51 AM

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Finished populating a Haberdasher-etched board but when I hook it up to the breakout box I get a clean somewhat trebly sound less than unity despite maxing out all of the pots.  All of the pots seem to work, ie affect the tone or volume. If I pull the BS170, bc109, or germanium (not sure what, picked up from a forum member and is a little smudged,but has a green dot on the collector)  I do not get any sound.  I thought there might be a problem with the germanium transistor but when I subbed it into my boc npn fuzz face it worked fine.  Before that I thought I had Q3's collector and emitter mixed up but when I reversed them I got the same weak but clean sound - does that make sense?
I used a 220 pf ceramic cap in place of the 200 pf and used a 1n5818 in place of the 1n5817 diode based on what I had but was under the impression they wouldn't make a difference.
Unfortunately I used board-mounted pots so the back is pretty obscured, but I guess i can bend and/or remove pots to trouble shoot this. Any advice where to start? Thanks.


I fixed it - the BC109 was bad, did not work in other circuits, don't know why i didn't test it at the same time as the germanium transistor.  I tried another BC109 and a BC108 and both worked fine - didn't hear much difference.  I still have to learn my way around a multimeter and audio probe and learn how to troubleshoot more comprehensively, but I'm glad I don't have to desolder board-mounted pots.
I guess what I was hearing before was the MOSFET stage, but I still don't understand: a) no sound w/ no transistor in Q2, but weak clean sound with the bad Bc109; b) weak clean sound with the germanium inserted CBE or EBC.