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Looking For Ideas...

Started by flanagan0718, January 14, 2014, 02:27:21 PM

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Hey Guys,
    Yesterday I ordered 2 boards. I got the Smoothie and the Afterlife. Any mod Ideas on either of these? Thanks in advance.



Sure, for the Smoothie you can change the filtering caps for a psuedo-univibe feel. Change C5 to 100n from 10n.

I don't remember off-hand any mods on the Afterlife, but maybe do a search on the forum or on DIYSB for the Flatline. One thing you could do is increase the value of R3 and put a couple of soft clipping diodes back to back in parallel with it. This would make a very light overdrive with the compression. Or, maybe have a switch to go between the stock 220k and other stuff. Probably a 1M resistor plus 1n914 for the diodes. Just thinking out loud...haven't tried this. Also, you should be able to modify the compression response by tweaking R6 or R7 upward.


Thanks Bean! I will defiantly try the vibe cap change for the smoothie.

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This goes TOTALLY against the grain but...I'd build the AL stock before wishing any mods.  It rocks...
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


I seem to remember there is a simple mod for the al where you put r7 on a switch with a different value for more "squish".  I believe the other value was 100k.
I should add that I haven't tried it; I'm just repeating what I have read somewhere.
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Now carrying Matched JFETS


The threshold pot is really only useful if you want to be able to control the compression at different gain levels. The comp pot in the stock afterlife is a gain pot. They aren't radically different and I think the Afterlife is good stock, but some people have liked the extra control.

There's a 100uF cap across the LEDs. You can put a much smaller value on a switch and have a decay control. Or you can solder some wire to both sides of the cap to a 1M pot (variable resistor, lugs 1 and 2) and have a decay pot.

There's probably some way to add an attack control, but it's an LDR so you can only make it so fast regardless so it wouldn't be meaningful.


Midwayfair I love the nature dweller you did! I'll look into the mods you were talking about for the Afterlife. sounds kinda cool Thanks!