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Aquaboy self oscillation

Started by aballen, January 02, 2014, 06:26:26 PM

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My aqua boy seemed to give up on me, I was getting no delay, so I popped it open to check the BBDs. 

I re-calibrated the whole thing and I'm finding that I get self oscillation around 1/2 way up the feedback pot.  This is with T1 fully counter clockwise.  Not sure what to adjust here but I know this is not right.

I'm running with MN3005s, at 15V, boosted from a road rage, just in case that is a factor.


In Aqua puss builds, you can adjust the onset of runaway feedback by subbing a  47K resistor in place of the 22K at R24

but thats Aqua puss
you need to check the component numbering for the Aqua boy, its not the same

Its the one coming off pin 5 of the compander, regardless...R31 in the madbean 2012 aquaboy doc I have saved.
Look for the resistor that comes off the feeback pot after a cap (c32). Itll be 22k most likely, just socket and experiment.