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Mudbunny: no sound when engaged

Started by jonny toetags, December 05, 2013, 02:12:56 PM

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jonny toetags

Hey guys, here's the situation:
I ordered a couple Mudbunny boards and built a Triangle circuit. It worked like a charm.
I decided to build a Civil War with the second board and it didn't work. I figured I screwed something up so I took the bboard apart and tried again. Same thing.
So I decided to just walk away and build another from scratch so I ordered some more boards (fancy new black ones).
I build it up (tried another Civil War and Violet) and it didn't work as well.
Here's the latest incarnation that doesn't work:

I'm 100% sure it's not offboard wiring, switch, jacks, etc...
After testing the board, it seems like there is 9 volts on the board, but nowhere on the circuit.

And here is the Triangle that works:


Do you have an audioprobe to trace the signal path?

croquet hoop

– by "it does not work', do you mean that there is no sound at all?
- all the versions you listed have 2n5088 in the BOM, so I guess you used them and followed the silkscreen orientation, but in case you used different transistors, check that their orientation is correct.
– check the transistor voltages with your DMM

If you do not have one, build an audio probe (it's easy) and run it along the signal traces (follow the schematic) to find where you "lose" the sound.

Also, pictures of the other side of the board(s) could be useful.


as above.

My first issue with the Bunny was my Transistors in backwards when I used BC550s. also check the DC jack I had soldered the wrong lug so it disconnected the power when I plugged the 9v power supply in

But yes Build that probe it is a life saver. I got two boards working that I gave up on and it turned out to be something simple like a solder joint


This has been mentioned, but if the transistors are 2N5088/2N5089 Q1 seems to be reversed...