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Scary builds

Started by alanp, August 22, 2013, 07:56:19 AM

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Has anyone tried the Solderman FL3 World's Smallest Flanger build at all?
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Just looked that up  :o


But no, noooooooooooo. I don't think so. I'm just not that much of a masochist!
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Thinking of trying it.

(Oh, and Manas -- I only came to MBP initially because I heard the LaVache sounded good! I only bought half a dozen OTHER PCB's with it because the cost of shipping seemed a waste otherwise! Now look at me... Doppelgangers and flangers, oh my... Brian's overdrives are gateway drugs.)
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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My mate successfully built one.
I have it etched somewhere but gave up on it at the time cause I made an electric mistress instead.
Solderman stuff is solid, I did his 1590a phase 45, and it was fine. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


i just etched a subwave for someone the other day.  very compact!
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I'm tempted as I tend to like masochistic mini builds.  My only hesitation (other than lack of free time) is that I think it has a footswitch mounted board, which I think is usually not ideal.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


I did his Tri-Vibe and it more or less convinced me that I don't want to do any more of his ultra-tiny ones. But his layouts certainly work. The traces are VERY small and there are a lot of standing parts. The way the PCB attaches to the switch is very picky and can lead to bending the board, shorting against the top, etc.

I dunno, I'll cram anything in a 1590A, but I have some standards! :D


Quote from: midwayfair on August 22, 2013, 02:17:25 PM
I did his Tri-Vibe and it more or less convinced me that I don't want to do any more of his ultra-tiny ones. But his layouts certainly work. The traces are VERY small and there are a lot of standing parts. The way the PCB attaches to the switch is very picky and can lead to bending the board, shorting against the top, etc.

I dunno, I'll cram anything in a 1590A, but I have some standards! :D

And that is the crux of the argument against mounting a board of that length to a Footswitch.  While I haven't calculated the cantilever force, the beam is long enough that I expect it to pose a long term reliability risk.

Apparently, I have standards as well, and I've jammed some tight things into a 1590A.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Gah. The LFO is not working (everything else is). Checked values, and for shorts, resoldered everything. Stupid flanger.

The o'scope is very useful for troubleshooting, though!
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
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Go for it man. My first 1590A build was the phase 90. After seeing this I am very tempted to build the WSF.

In the diysb thread about the WSF he had a solder bridge that made the LFO not work. So get out your magnifying glass.
I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms