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Good people on here :)

Started by danwelsh, January 17, 2014, 07:08:20 PM

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I was going to agree with everyone, but now it just feels dirty...  :o
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I am fairly new to the whole forum thing and started here and BYOC. I assumed they were all like this until I went looking for answers for questions on a couple of amp forums and couldn't believe how people were replying to people with reasonable questions. They were clearly relying on their internet anonymity to act like jerks. Here and BYOC the approach seems the opposite and it is a great place to learn and share. Thanks!


I'm not a regular member on another forum,  but I don't think ther's a better forum than here. I never had any problems with anyone here. You are great people everyone. Actually, I say it exactly like that in my Christmas song. ;-)

" I would first try what I call The American Approach, which is simply this: "If X is good, then 2X simply HAS TO BE twice as good."  ;D "
- Culturejam


Totally agree! Im quite new on this forum and only one im activelly using!
Great people allways happy to help!
Thanks to everyone! 
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


Quote from: sonarchotic on January 18, 2014, 07:59:39 PM
They were clearly relying on their internet anonymity to act like jerks.

Shut up you jerk. Nobody cares.  >:(     ;)
I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms


I used to be on 2 forums for my old cae as I had a problem with it a few months after I bought it. One forum that felt like home still had a bunch of muppets on it, but there was a rivalry between it and the other one and almost everyone on the other forum was a complete and utter muppet. Never understood why people feel the need to act like it on a forum.

I must admit, this forum does feel like home.

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!


The other forum was full of these guys?


Yep, this forum is the biz.

I think it says something that many of us post stuff for sale here before anywhere else. In short, the guys here are good, trustworthy, people.