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mudbunny triangle input resistor value?

Started by Blues Healer, October 10, 2013, 08:49:03 PM

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Blues Healer

howdy ...
I've just built a Mudbunny Triangle.
I have a specific question:
on the mudbunny triangle parts list, the input resistor - R2 - is listed as 3K3. Most versions I've seen have this as 33k or 39K -- both the mudbunny versions, and other ones out there.
so is the 3.3K listed correct?

and thanks ... I know this is treading old ground for many of you, since this project has been here a few years ... I was just a little late to the party!  :)

- Gary
"music heals"


Correct is a strong word when it comes to muffs ;) It's an incredibly tolerant circuit when it comes to part values. So much so that many examples of the same models have completely different parts (because that's what EHX had at the time...). That's a perfect example. The 3K3 input resistor is indeed right for that particular Triangle... However there's another that I've got down as a 71 Triangle on the spreadsheet, that's got a 33K. They're both 'right' ;)
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk

Blues Healer

thank you very much!

I'm using this circuit as a learning tool, and I wanted to clarify that before my next build.
I've looked at lots of the schematics, and also used your spread sheet to compare different versions.
I plan to compare the documentation to my own thoughts as I build ... so far, I've done a triangle and a Mayo.
I hope to do a build report when I get my recorder up and running.

thanks again!

- Gary
"music heals"