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Interesting Read JHS content

Started by gtr2, September 04, 2013, 12:25:57 PM

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I like when they do builder profiles.  No credit given to the DIY community either, not that I'm surprised in this case.

Contract PCB designer


At least the comments are informative.


It's such a heroic narrative, it reads like he wrote it himself.


for some reason i picture mr. jhs insisting on doing the captain morgan stance while he gives those bullcrap answers.


Ha, you're probably not far off!

I remember when I was researching the Keeley Fuzzhead circuit a bit that I found a thread from FSB from about 2007 in which some folks were discussing what's going on in the design. In the thread, the JHS guy is basically eviscerating someone else for what he saw as their misunderstanding of the circuit. It was ugly.


  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


It's hilarious how many of those guys think that every pedal out there is an original design!
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Quote from: hammerheadmusicman on September 04, 2013, 03:11:51 PM
It's hilarious how many of those guys think that every pedal out there is an original design!

Its really a sad read since I stumble upon a lot of his posts on FSB and DIYSB and the guy is so cocky for someone that "mods" existing circuits. The Devi Ever post on her forum (can't find it atm) was hilarious when she had a compiled list of his pedals and what  they were clones of. I think it all spawned from a Hyperion clone he did.


I think I read somewhere Devi Ever is licensing out some of we designs anyway..

She attacked the PG facebook post too, and shared it, trying to get all her supporters to post on it too.
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..



I found this one to be a good read. Thanks for turning me on to the PG articles. I have missed a bunch of these.
Credit was given where due and they seem like some cool people over there at EQD.


Wow. Two thoughts:

1) That's a kick-ass workshop setup.

2) The comments are HARSH.  ;D
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Yeah, I don't know if PG knew that so many people don't appreciate the JHS stuff when they did the interview, but they should have been a little bit more careful in the writing of that article. It's terribly poor writing at the best of things and makes JHS look like superheroes, and the owner guy looks like a saint. That's not the truth, and they should have done more homework.

I found some of the comments directed to PG to be interesting. I too was surprised that they did an article on JHS, but at the same time, it makes sense. JHS is one of the fastest growing DIY to Pro operations out there. I too think PG has lost some of my respect, not for doing a builder profile, but rather for putting it out in such a poor way.

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I think a boutique operation with 12 employees is worth an article. I'm just really surprised the economics works out on an operation that size with all manual assembly. Payroll for a dozen people (even if all are part-time) has to be non-trivial, not to mention that added overhead and paperwork. But apparently he's got TWO admins.  ;D
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Im going to, roughly quote, madbean, pretty sure it was from the "ethical issues" thread.  I love the way he sums things up so articularly...I seem to recall it went something like this:

"welcome to the sh!@storm that is pedal building".

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