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Phat Pants 2013

Started by alanp, August 26, 2013, 04:13:41 AM

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Again, old hat... it's been kicking around the bench for awhile. My excuse is that after moving flat, it took awhile to find everything. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! ;)

Had some fun with the Indian Ink on this one! I deliberately made the lines thick and blobby for the title, and went thin as possible for the control labels. (The logo turned out a bit iffy at the bottom, oh well.) Once it's dried out, I'll slap some clear nail polish on. (Never bothering with clearcoat again. Too much hassle.)

Decided to solder in a pin for the Test Point, since I had 'em lying around for the ZPSDX build (even if I didn't use them, stupid sodding daughterboard). Didn't have any bus wire, but I still found an easy way to do the Body switch :) I mucked up a bit, and used a On-Off-On for the Body switch. Hopefully this will turn out to be a feature and not a bug.

Swapped a couple poles for the stomp, so I could directly wire the LED to the stomp. Turned out not too bad for wires. I could have grouped them all together to make them even tidier, but I prefer to have some space between wires (as well as close to the deck.)

Sorry for the lighting, the sunlight wasn't very flash today. The cat was interested as to what the heck I was up to, though --

"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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I'm with you on the clearcoat! I just can't get it to come out the same way twice, good or bad.

I like the simple look, and I may just jack your 3PDT wiring scheme for my own use at some point.


My god...that cat is enormous!


Quote from: madbean on August 26, 2013, 04:35:38 PM
My god...that cat is enormous!

That was my exact thought when I saw the picture too!

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Giant cat! Everybody run for your lives!!
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


more pics of the cat please! (my wife likes m.......) Cool build btw, what happened to the left most 1/3rd of the 3PDT? Very interested in how you wired that thing!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Went with the stock wiring for this one -- the 2013 iteration of the Fat Pants is a buffered pedal. One pole is for the out to select either buffered bypass, or effect. The other pole is to either pull the effect's input to ground while the effect is bypassed, or to turn the LED on (through attaching the LED to ground.) The third pole is unused (just like a Kingslayer.)
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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