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Started by lljoepj10, July 09, 2013, 09:18:54 AM

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Hi there,

I've bought some PCB from madbeans yesterday.
The only thing is I live in the Netherlands , so i need to wait for a few weeks before my pcb's get delivered.

I am buying all the materials here in NL.
The only problem is that there's a differce between pots in USA and Europe
I need :

1M pot A
500k pot A
25k pot B     <---- this came from Egghead.pdf

So i need 2x Audio- log , and 1 time Lin pot ?   am i right ???


Hey man, welkom!! You are completely right about the pots, go ahead and order! If you got any more questions, drop 'm here on the forum, or if you want to communicate in Dutch drop me a PM!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Also, just to mention, in the U.S Values like 25k & 500k and multiples are common where as in (well at least the U.K) the values tend to be 22k & 470k instead, completely interchangeable so don't worry if that's what you see instead.
Works at Lectric-FX


The 25kb pot can be a bit hard to find sometimes, so you may be better off using a 50kb pot and putting a 25k resistor across lugs 1 and 3. This will half the resistance across the pot and basically make it a 25kb pot.

Also, look at Tayda for components, dirt cheap for knobs, pots, and enclosures. They ship worldwide and there is a discount code on another thread giving you 15% off at the moment.

I assume you're going to build the Egghead. I've just built one, need to box it up still, but it's an amazing sounding overdrive!

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!


New norwegian guy here.

What about C as in "100kC"? Google is giving me different answers. Some say C is old code for audio, and others say reverse audio.



It differs a little depending on which side of the Atlantic you're on, but if you're looking at a madbean (or 1776, jmk, etc, etc) build doc, you're looking for a 100k reverse audio pot when it refers to 100kC.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Quote from: lljoepj10 on July 09, 2013, 09:18:54 AM
25k pot B     <---- this came from Egghead.pdf
There's several places in Europe that you can source pots of many values.

This is one such place:

They are based in Germany and offer plenty of parts for the pedal diyer  :)

I'm based in the UK and I order from them and have not had any problems.

Delivery is quick and not too expensive.

Hope you enjoy your builds. Madbean's pcbs are the best around!


Quote from: stevie1556 on July 09, 2013, 12:37:27 PM
The 25kb pot can be a bit hard to find sometimes, so you may be better off using a 50kb pot and putting a 25k resistor across lugs 1 and 3. This will half the resistance across the pot and basically make it a 25kb pot.

Also, look at Tayda for components, dirt cheap for knobs, pots, and enclosures. They ship worldwide and there is a discount code on another thread giving you 15% off at the moment.

I assume you're going to build the Egghead. I've just built one, need to box it up still, but it's an amazing sounding overdrive!

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!
Just to clarify, you'd want to put a 50k resistor across lugs 1 & 3 of a 50k pot to get 25k not a 25k resistor and also this will alter the taper slightly.

R1 x R2
R1 + R2
Works at Lectric-FX