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Strange Warhead problems - RF noise, country dependent!

Started by Cortexturizer, August 12, 2013, 12:28:16 PM

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So I gave my Warhead vibe to a friend who is living in Netherlands. While I never experienced any noise whatsoever in Serbia, he is experiencing so much RF signals that it makes it almost no enjoyable to play at all.
I wondered will the usual fix - bleed some signal through a smallish pF ceramic cap from the input to ground = resolve this, or heavy artillery is needed?

Thanks. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on August 12, 2013, 12:28:16 PM
bleed some signal through a smallish pF ceramic cap from the input to ground = resolve this, or heavy artillery is needed?

This won't help. Allegedly, to filter out radio signals you'd need a HUGE capacitor, something that would severely affect the sound of the guitar. The type of "RF" filtered by those small capacitors at the front of circuits is more often just filtering out a little bit of pickup shhh noise to keep it from being amplified.

1. Make sure the enclosure is grounded.

2. Have him make sure he's using a well-shielded guitar.

3. Hope.


Thanks midway man.
But I am a little surprised you saying that the standard solution won't help, I;ve done this to a fuzz face a lot of times and it helped a lot. Still, the warhead is much different so I guess this solution is a weak one.
I think the enclosure is not the problem but will have it checked just to be sure.
But looks like hope is the only option here...that he moves to some other country :D - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams