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Wah Peoples, now is your time!

Started by G.G., July 03, 2013, 03:14:55 PM

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Hey Gang,
I'm thinking about a Wah build sometime in the future and saw the the Weener board can accept several different types of inductors. I was looking around a bit and saw some Fasel's on Ebay for around $15 and was wondering if those are any good? Really, any basic tips, advice, opinions, comments on different types of inductors and Wah-related paraphernalia would be appreciated. Total Wah noob so fire away!


Kinki fuzz

I'd buy a cheap wah, like a cheap vox or cry baby, or 2nd hand or something. You get enclosure, pot and inductor from there, throw away the rest and build whatever you want. Just like the axis wah on fuzzcentral.

Not mojo, but sounds great and is cheap

Kinki fuzz

And if you ask my opinion... thow a fuzz inside the box too, every wah needs a fuzz!! ;D ;D ;D


I built up a Weener with a red and yellow fasel inductor on a switch, sounds pretty cool.  Have a white enclosure with a purple tread waiting to put it in, just haven't got around to it.

All in, it's a pretty expensive build when you buy everything new (I've probably got $90 sunk into mine right now), +1 on the advice to find a used crybaby and use the enclosure and whatever parts you want.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


I'm kind of going through a wah building phase... Just finished a Mo' Wah, and am building a Weener and a GrindCustoms project. Nthing the advice that the cheapest way to go is to get a used wah pedal and use that for the pot/inductor/enclosure.

For just the pot/inductor/enclosure from smallbear or mammoth it'll cost you $80.

That said, I love the colors of the mammoth enclosures so that's what I've been using. The first mammoth enclosure required a donor part (the rack tensioner) from a spare crybaby I had to make it work properly.


thanks for the info guys, I'll start cruising Craigslist for a deal on a Wah. Curtis, what is the difference you hear between red & yellow fasels? I saw the instructions for a DIY Halo and wondered if a regular slob like myself could actually hear a difference.


Truth be told, I haven't played it a whole lot cause I haven't boxed it up yet.  The Red is a little grittier/dirtier than the yellow.  Wasn't really a conscious decision either way, I was ordering one inductor and it wasn't going to cost me anymore shipping to order the other one, and for whatever reason I'm all for more switches and parts in my builds, though I'm weening myself off of that.

As far as making your own inductor, I'm certain you could, in fact you can buy the whole kits if I'm not mistaken.

The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.