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Zombii LED Question

Started by Guybrush, June 23, 2013, 11:06:24 AM

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Hey all

I'm just putting together a Zombii and noticed on the build doc that the power on/off indicator LED is wired to the board.

How does this affect the wiring of the 3pdt? I normally use Madbean's standard wiring diagram and this includes a wire that connects the 3pdt to the LED. Do I just leave out this and the wire that would normally go from the LED to the DC socket?



Connect the 'SW' pad to the 3PDT switch as per the Standard Wiring Diagram. This does the same thing but the led and resistor are on the board.


Thank you.

So I connect the SW pad to the relevant point on the 3pdt. Is the square LED pad for the +leg or the - leg of the LED?

Will I still be able to test the circuit on my test rig before wiring it up the the 3pdt, power socket and jacks? The SW cable will obviously be unconnected at this stage.


Square pad is for plus side of led.

You can test it on your rig without using the SW pad. This part of the circuit is just used to power the led.


Wonderful. Thank you very much.

Last question. Please could someone verify that I have the two germanium transistors orientated correctly? Here's the schem and how I think the transistors should fit.


Your transistors look right. Emitter is always where the arrow in the schematic is and the notch indicates it on the transistor.
But that only works if your transistor looks like the ones on the silkscreen. More exotic ones need to be looked at their datasheet.
Which ones will you use ?
DIY-PCBs and projects:


Cheers man!

I got a pair from Madbeaner Chromesphere. I'm not too clued up on transistors but the datasheets say that one is a GT309G and the other is a AC125. Does that sound about right?

I hooked it up to my test rig and it fired up first time (I nearly fainted). It's splattery and incredibly noisy with most of the pots causing mental oscillation when turned more than a quarter. Is this normal? I'm guessing that it is but I've never used a fuzz factory so thought I'd best check.

Cheers again.


Hey GuyBrush.
I can't answer about the transistors, but it does sound like you are describing how my Zombii sounds. 


Yep, that sounds like a Fuzz Factory! I've built one using a prefab pcb from another site and it sounds mental! You can tweak it and get standard fuzz sounds as well. And you can always dial that "Plug In Baby" sound  :)


Cool, I thought that would be the case. I'll have a tinker.

Just out of curiosity, what would changing the transistors do? How would it affect the sound?