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Zero point dual delay help

Started by Jimboslice27, June 16, 2013, 01:19:12 AM

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Hello, so I am building the zpdd and am having a slight problem. So, when hooking all the jacks up and such and plug in my guitar, I notice that there is sound at high volume, but none of the effect is working. I noticed that the battery gets hot when plugged in, so I am assuming that there is something wrong with the power. I connect a multimeter to it, and find that yes the battery is good, but when connected to the effect, I'm reading no volts when measuring the +9v and ground. What should I do?
I have taken like no steps to 'fix' this as I do not know where to begin.
Thank you,


Start with your Dc jack wiring.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Not to sound like a noob beginner (which I am) but what do u mean by that exactly?


Where the power is from the the ac plug. Is it wired up correctly? Did you use the standard madbean wiring diagram?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I'm not using a dc plug at the moment I'm currently just testing it with a battery


The battery hooks into the DC jack usually. Are you using a DC jack that the battery is connected to? If so what kind?

The battery is heating because you are drawing too much current. Since you have zero volts at the input to the board, you probably have a dead short at the power connection. If you are using a DC jack that the battery hooks into and then to the board, this is the most likely place.

Have you put it in the box already? If so, then the jack, depending on the type could be grounding out on the enclosure, or you could have the wires crossed at the input.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


I will be using a DC jack when I put the (hopefully working) board in the enclosure, but for now I am trying to hook a battery straight to it.


OK. Since you've eliminated the box grounding you out and the DC jack wiring as possible problems, you need to proceed up the chain on the schematic from the power supply input.

If you've socketed the PT2399's, I'd pull them until I'd verified that the power is getting to them at the right level.

The first thing on the schematic is the 1N4001. Check its orientation and measure the voltages at its pads on the board. After that is the voltage regulator. Look at the same thing for it. Check the spec sheet for the regulator you have and make sure the pinout matches the board. These can vary between manufacturers.

In general, inspect the board and the soldering. Look for solder bridges between pads.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Photographs might help.

I had a similar issue, wound up being a +9V wire being squashed under a bolted down pot. Might be something else entirely, though.
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Thanks for all the help by the way, I appreciate every bit of advice.
Ok so I didn't socket the pt2399 's, I just soldered them in. I will check the voltages on those parts u listed and will post pics in a little bit.
I will also quadruple check my soldering job on the board for any bridges.
Also, the pot wouldn't be causing any problems as it has a plastic covering on the bottom.


Ok no worries anymore I fixed it!
I found that there was like a hair sized bridge between the 9v and ground and I removed it and now it works! Thanks for all the help!


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.