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sunking 3 diode

Started by gtangas, June 10, 2013, 08:46:31 PM

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Hi Guys

Sunking question:

adding a 3 diode to the board will increase gain?



zzzzzzzzzzz      lol


I don't know where you want to add the diode but, normally when you add a diode from the signal path to ground the voltage drop will increase, consequently the volume will also drop a little, but then the clipping (aka distortion) will increase. But then it depends a lot on their specific voltage drop, and the way you connect them, series/parallel and symmetric/assymmetric.


The sunking/KLON is mostly used as a low gain booster, not a distortion unit :)
If you want gain, you should build another project maybe? :)



I understand that. It's for the klon I build a months ago to the godfather of one of my daughters

He says that the unit could be a little more dirty... And not so loud... So I was building a TS with the comp option and I remember this option for the Sunking

For me the stock project is awesome with plenty of drive...


Quote from: Loztboy on June 11, 2013, 06:11:01 AM
The sunking/KLON is mostly used as a low gain booster, not a distortion unit :)
If you want gain, you should build another project maybe? :)

This.  I think the Sunking performs poorly as a regular dirt box or foundation overdrive.  Where it shines is when you have a slightly dirty tube amp and then use this bad boy to boost the front end of the amp.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


I use the Sunking as my main source of overdrive. I think it shines there. It's all a matter of taste though as we know heh. To me it works very well, has tons of gain. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Have you considered a Kingslayer? Same sort of tone and breakup as the Sunking, but engaging the soft clipping in the feedback path gives a higher level of gain than I was ever able to coax out of a Klone. - Music, Builds, other nonsense