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Wait...What? Is this the Zeropoint SDX....clone?

Started by jimilee, June 08, 2013, 02:34:42 AM

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Bean spelled out the new policy pretty clearly, and the guy is not woefully in the wrong per se.  They way he is marketing his stuff errs on the side of taking credit for everything and never showing gutshots which will rub most DIYers the wrong way.

I prefer a more transparent method of marketing because I am very grateful to the guys who produce the PCB's.  I almost only do custom orders now, I haven't really had to post much on eBay or FS sections of forums for a while, though occasionally I will.  I always credit the PCB's designer/vendor and often link the build doc.  If I have a mod that I preform I'll specifically say what it is and how it is implemented.  When people buy a pedal from me I am selling the way I assemble it, as many of the things I have sold could be put together by a noob.  So it is lead dress, enclosure design/finishes, and control layout as well as components (mojo, high quality, etc.), really the finesse or style of the way I like to build a pedal.  I really prefer custom work because the buyer can look at all the different projects from different places and decide what will work best for them.  Then they can choose to help with graphics, naming of the effect, funny names for the controls, knob choice and overall theme.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


According to the updated policy on using the boards for commercial purposes, he's not doing anything wrong. (I personally think Brian is giving too much leeway, but that's my opinion).

The reason it's bugging people is ethics. The same reason it bothers people to see a 300 dollar "original boutique design" ......and it's a tube screamer in a fancy enclosure.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
one louder.


So first lwt mw say I wasnt trying to make trouble. Second, it was the use of the word "prototype" that bugged me. It's just ethically wrong to take some one's designe and blatantly rip it off and call it your own. Bean works hard and deserves credit where credit is due. If feel like he tries hard not to rip off other pedals, but put his spin on the designs.
So that was my intent.:P
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


There's no problem with him (or anyone) using the ZPDSX to build some commercial pedals. That is clearly spelled out in the new licensing policy started this year. And, credit is not necessary in the sale or marketing of such a thing (it's appreciated but not expected). The only problem I would have is if someone tried to take credit for the actual design and present it as their own. Obviously, that would be disingenuous. I don't think that is the intent here but it's hard to make a judgement just on one small Facebook blurb. So, let's not.

Frankly, I don't know why someone would want to build the SDX as a commercial pedal. It sounds great, of course, but it's so labor intensive that I can't see how it would be profitable for anyone in a price margin that will compete with other commercial delay pedals.