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Non Madbean - Stage 357 - Hot Chillicon - Colortone OD

Started by angrykoko, May 23, 2013, 03:28:00 AM

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Hi everyone!

Had these sitting around for a couple months now; been wanting to show them off but, just cant seem to figure out what or how I want to decorate them...  Any ideas will be appreciated.

Anyway, here ya go! Some un-decorated pedals for your enjoyment.

First up is a GPCB Stage 357, clean boot with a second foot switch to make it not so clean and a toggle to add some bass.   

Next is a Hot Chillicon which is a HotSillicon circuit which is a sillicon tonebender.
This is a very very cool sounding pedal. 
It doesn't look like it in the picture but this hardly fits in the enclosure, I really thought I'd have to re-do the electro caps so I could lay them down but I got lucky.
I really have to dress this up with something cool, I love the translucent gold enclosure and black knobs, looks great even with nothing else on it.

And finally my most played pedal of the last couple months - Colortone OD
The enclosure used to have an uglyface in it and I loved the way it looked..just not the uglyface circuit so I swapped it out. 
I run a FatPants in front of this now and woah! just love it, cant say enough about that combo.
The wiring is a bit messy, not sure what happened but I'm not messing with it, too much love for it just the way it is.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Why fix something that ain't broke, is what i say, they look good just the way they are mate.


 These chilicon pedals are killer...  silicon tone bender MK 2 with some mods...

Try out different NPN transistors besides what is on the BOM.
For the most part, you can just about use anything and these pedals sound fantastic!

Good job
Information is not knowledge
Knowledge is not wisdom
Wisdom is not truth
Truth is not beauty
Beauty is not love
Love is not music
Music is THE BEST . .


Bam bam bam!  3 very tidy builds man...  nice job!   :)


Lovely builds!

How do you find the Stage 357? I've got a Stage 3 and it's probably my most used pedal!

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!



Nice, I particularly like the 357. It looks like something from a 1950s kitchen :D