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Aquaboy DX - passing sound/no delay HELP ME!

Started by Stomptown, September 19, 2013, 08:02:01 PM

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Yep! I'm going to have to order a new clock and compander and hope for the best. Ive removed so many components and re-soldered so many joints that I may have ruined the board as well. We'll see. Its hard not to just order another board at this point but I am trying really to learn how to troubleshoot; something I've pretty much avoided up to this point. Unfortunately I picked the wrong time to get a new soldering iron that I'm not used to. It's super hot and it pulled a couple pads right off the pcb. Ugh!!!   ::)


Quote from: Stomptown on September 23, 2013, 02:10:53 AM
Yep! I'm going to have to order a new clock and compander and hope for the best. Ive removed so many components and re-soldered so many joints that I may have ruined the board as well. We'll see. Its hard not to just order another board at this point but I am trying really to learn how to troubleshoot; something I've pretty much avoided up to this point. Unfortunately I picked the wrong time to get a new soldering iron that I'm not used to. It's super hot and it pulled a couple pads right off the pcb. Ugh!!!   ::)
yikes!!! You've also picked a pretty extreme build to learn to t.s. On as well. I'm not sure midway fair ever for his working at all. I read tons if threads on it and decided to just sell mine a while back. I'd love to have a bbd delay, but this ain't it I'm afraid.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Ignore what I said about the 3101 voltage, it doesn't matter either way :) was thinking of the 3205s, Long as it clocks.

Yeah people seem to be having trouble with dead companders so that may be your issue, figured you'd probed but as you discovered you'd made an error.
Works at Lectric-FX


Cool! I ordered another commander so hopefully that does the trick. If not I may have to get a new PCB and start fresh. I've abused this board pretty bad! Probably not tge best project to dive into troubleshooting but I haven't had too many problems up til now. The difficulty of this build cannot be understated. If I could start over I would have studied the build doc much closer...