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9v1 zener ??

Started by idgit, May 25, 2013, 07:25:12 PM

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Building a Albert Hallish type and Z1-3 are 9v1 Zener.  does this mean that I can only use 9v power supply?

what if i chose an 18 volt Zener



The zener will limit the input to 9.1v by conducting voltage over that threshold. This is to keep the MOSFETs from blowing up.

Besides, it's a distortion pedal. Giving it more voltage will make ... Not distort as much.


Thanks for responding..

I'm asking because a certain commercial maker of this pedal builds them for 9v-18v operation.  18v giving more headroom and punch, like an  perhaps they  use something other than mosfets?


Quote from: idgit on May 25, 2013, 08:08:38 PM
Thanks for responding..

I'm asking because a certain commercial maker of this pedal builds them for 9v-18v operation.  18v giving more headroom and punch, like an  perhaps they  use something other than mosfets?

You're not going to get 9v on the gate of the MOSFET by using an 18v supply. That's not what I was referring to. Try googling 'MOSFET static protection' -- MOSFETs have a particular weird issue.

My second paragraph is just something I feel compelled to tell people when they want to feed a distortion pedal more volume ...


Thanks again, I'll build as spec'd then perhaps look into modding it later


Quote from: idgit on May 25, 2013, 08:22:43 PM
Thanks again, I'll build as spec'd then perhaps look into modding it later

Okay, but to be clear, you can't mod it to use an 18v Zener in those positions. It would fail to sufficiently protect the MOSFET. The diode has 0 effect on the sound.