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Injury thread (NO PICTURES PLEASE!!)

Started by DutchMF, May 20, 2013, 06:30:41 PM

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Ever had an SSI? (Stupid soldering injury)

Yes, I've had an unbelievably stupid injury while soldering/building pedals
30 (76.9%)
Yes, I did have an injury, but couldn't have avoided it anyway
3 (7.7%)
No, I never hurt myself, because I'm really carefull
1 (2.6%)
No, I never hurt myself, but that is just dumb luck!
5 (12.8%)

Total Members Voted: 39


Quote from: billstein on May 21, 2013, 04:48:33 PM
My wife just asked me how much I was spending on pedals... I think I need to bang my head on something quick.

Just tell her it's your way of expressing yourself artistically (as if playing guitar wasn't enough......)   ;)

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Quote from: billstein on May 21, 2013, 04:48:33 PM
Quote from: selfdestroyer on May 20, 2013, 08:04:22 PM
Saw stars one nite when I smacked my head on the underside of my work bench picking up a dropped part. Wife says I haven't been the same lol. So when I make a huge part order I just blame it on the head injury.

That is so cool having an excuse like that! :)

My wife just asked me how much I was spending on pedals... I think I need to bang my head on something quick.

My girlfriend just asked the same question. I keep a spreadsheet of every guitar related transaction, in and out. I showed her the total once all debits and credits are applied, and she said, "Oh, I've spent more than that on shoes in the last year." Now I am the one who is worried about finances...

I forgot that I once touched the back of my knuckles on my soldering iron. I still have a pretty cool looking scar. When I hold all my fingers together, you can see a line of scars where I touched the iron.

I've only dropped a soldering iron once. Unfortunately it was on a manlift. The weight of my powercord pulled the soldering iron off of my workstation. Destroyed my iron, and melted the carpet a little bit.


QuoteI keep a spreadsheet of every guitar related transaction, in and out. I showed her the total once all debits and credits are applied

I could never do this.. it would be used as evidence against me for sure..The hard thing for me is I usually build 2 of everything so I can sell/trade one and keep one for myself. I become attached to the pedals I build.


Quote from: selfdestroyer on May 21, 2013, 07:21:58 PM

I could never do this.. it would be used as evidence against me for sure..The hard thing for me is I usually build 2 of everything so I can sell/trade one and keep one for myself. I become attached to the pedals I build.

It would probably make me cringe to see what I've spent over the years. 
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


I've had the spinning enclosure before (pre drill press). But I think the most insulting was driving two of the pins of my mn3005 fake half way into the tip of my pointer finger (the one I grip the iron with). Other than that just minor burns that evoke a few choice words :o


My worst was an exacto knife that I gashed into my arm at full speed/strength. It was late at night, and I was trying to undo the zip ties on an amp I was taking apart. Stupidly I was pulling toward my body and it slipped and the whole blade went right into my arm just missing an artery. I've also stupidly caught a falling soldering iron when I started out.


I've sort of forgotten the chain of events now but somehow I sustained 3 separate burns within a few seconds. As I recall I I had the iron in one hand and did the traditional burn and the way I did was that I was looking through a mag glass but the iron was to the side where things are a bit distorted so I grabbed the iron tip with my index and thumb. My reaction caused the iron to fall towards my lap sp you better save the ole' dog and I grabbed it sort of and had it pressed against my wood work bench and the meat of my palm. As I let go the iron was stuck to the meat for a second or so which seemed like forever so I shook it loose.

Oh I'm not done.

So at that time I had my desoldering iron on and I used to wedge it between my workbench in a certain way as it is one of those Rat Shak all in one irons with no stand. As the pain started to intensify, guess I'm a puss, I was standing on some garage steps and I was just the right height to the desold iron next to me and I thought I was resting my arm on a woodenledge but instead rested the meat of my forearm right on top of that desold iron. FCUK! I turned off both irons and went upstairs to get sympothy from my wife. I was done for the night.


Had blood on the bottom of my sock last night after getting stabbed by a vengeful resistor lead.

I swear, I work so hard to get each one into the can, how do they keep ending up on my floor!

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Quote from: jkokura on May 22, 2013, 02:53:46 PM
Had blood on the bottom of my sock last night after getting stabbed by a vengeful resistor lead.

I swear, I work so hard to get each one into the can, how do they keep ending up on my floor!


I keep a harddrive magnet on my bench. I just clip the leads near it and most of my leads stick to it. It doesn't catch them all, mostly ones from tayda.
I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms


Needed to grab a part while I was soldering, so I switched hands with the iron.  But when I switched hands, I grabbed the tip not the handle.  I didn't hold onto it for long, but still got a nice burn on my thumb and fingers.  Callouses protected me a bit, but it looked pretty nasty for a while.  I'm WAY more careful with the iron now, and made a personal rule not to switch hands anymore.  If I need something that's out of reach of my free hand I put the iron down first.


Quote from: TNblueshawk on May 22, 2013, 02:27:29 PM
I've sort of forgotten the chain of events now but somehow I sustained 3 separate burns within a few seconds. As I recall I I had the iron in one hand and did the traditional burn and the way I did was that I was looking through a mag glass but the iron was to the side where things are a bit distorted so I grabbed the iron tip with my index and thumb. My reaction caused the iron to fall towards my lap sp you better save the ole' dog and I grabbed it sort of and had it pressed against my wood work bench and the meat of my palm. As I let go the iron was stuck to the meat for a second or so which seemed like forever so I shook it loose.

Oh I'm not done.

So at that time I had my desoldering iron on and I used to wedge it between my workbench in a certain way as it is one of those Rat Shak all in one irons with no stand. As the pain started to intensify, guess I'm a puss, I was standing on some garage steps and I was just the right height to the desold iron next to me and I thought I was resting my arm on a woodenledge but instead rested the meat of my forearm right on top of that desold iron. FCUK! I turned off both irons and went upstairs to get sympothy from my wife. I was done for the night.

That's hilarious (In a I feel your pain and really care and uhhh are you Ok now bro?) sort of way. To bad you didn't have a video camera going. Would have won America's Funniest Video for sure.

Did you get any sympathy from your wife or did she just give you THAT look?


Generally, I find that I am more inclined to minor injuries if I am trying to rush too much.

About a month back, I was deburring a drilled enclosure and I was going a bit fast in the standard circular motion one uses with that tool.  The deburring tool slipped out of the enclosure and made a very sharp pronounced V in my thumb.  Honestly, I don't think I could've cut a V that nicely if I tried to.  It was kind of like Zorro had a twin brother named Victor.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Bill, she looked at me and said "what is wrong with you" and it was said in a way where she really meant it like I had mental issues. I admitted I was an idiot and I asked her to kiss my boo boo's  ;D She declined...story of my life!