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Adding the "balancing" trimpot for Q3/Q4 on the Poindexter

Started by MarkL, May 15, 2013, 04:22:13 PM

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I apologize in advance for one more Poindexter question.

I noticed that the schematic does not have the 10K trimpot that can be used to "balace" the face-to-face Q3/Q4 pair.  On some other Superfuzz schems I've seen, the 22K (R11 and R16 on the Poindexter schem) resistors before and after  Q3-Q4 run into lugs 1 and 3 of the trimpot, and lug 2 goes to ground.  I'd like to incorporate this into my build, which will be using one of the single sided etched boards courtesy of Haberdasher, so I'm wondering if someone can offer some advice on how best to do this. 

As far as I can tell, I could just connect wires to the "ground" end of each 22K resistor, run those wires to lugs 1 and 3 of the trimpot, and have a wire from lug 2 return to one of the ground pads for either R11 or R16.    Does this seem like a reasonable plan of action?