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zero point sdx tape mode repeats

Started by garfo, May 12, 2013, 12:02:50 PM

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My sdx delay is working finally and it works great.Yet, my favourite position is tape delay.This delay sounds amazing, but the repeats get saturated very quickly.I've messed with the tape pot placing parallel resistors in order to tame the repeats a bit but when in tape mode it almost makes no difference.Is there a way to tame the repeats on this mode?



Check all the resistor and cap values that are strictly for the tape mode (it's just two active op-amp filter stages iirc). I'm guessing you got a resistor value wrong in a feedback loop or something.


Well, I found that R36 instead of having a 3.6k had a 3k.
Still, I don't think that would be it.I will look closer, still d'you know from where to where it affects the Tape mode?


If you're getting runaway feedback at, say, 1:00 or so: Swap out the feedback pot for an audio taper.

If you're getting runaway feedback at, say, 9:00, there's something wrong.


It's after 12 o clock, still R36 should be 3.6k and I have a 3k.I will place a 600ohms in series gĀ«here and see what happens.Another think I notice is that in tape mode the ffect is more grittier but it loses some depth, is it normal?With depth I mean bass.Since this is comparable with an Ibanez de7, I knowthis delay pretty well and it is lacking somebass response
Quote from: midwayfair on May 14, 2013, 02:30:30 PM
If you're getting runaway feedback at, say, 1:00 or so: Swap out the feedback pot for an audio taper.

If you're getting runaway feedback at, say, 9:00, there's something wrong.


What can  use instead of the 1n914 in order to make the tape delay sound less dirty???red LED?????