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Multi pedal

Started by Jyka, May 14, 2013, 08:50:39 AM

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Here's the effect i've recentrly build :

Custom Booster (techniguitar)
Fuzz Germanium ( PNP and NKT275)
Fuzz Silicon
Custom Screamer (techniguitar)
Custom Screamer (techniguitar)
Custom Fool Tone (techniguitar)
Tone Bender MKII ( PNP )
Custom Metal (techniguitar)
Electric Mistress
Phase 90
Chorus CE 2
Rebote 2.5

So i want to build a multi pedal like this

JAM can made me a custom enclosure to plug all this effect, but do you think it's a good idea ?

Thanks all ;)


First off: This would be one kick-ass project! I do have a few concerns, but would still love to see you pull it off!

-Cost of the enclosure
-Portabilitie: it's gonna weigh a ton!
-Practicality: do you really wanna lug everthing you've built around all the time? Imagine going for a jam at a friends place.....
-And last but not least: what if you get bored with one of your pedals, or build a better one?

That said, it would be soooooo cool!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Thanks for you support man !

The enclosure that i ask to JAM Pedal have this size : 45 cm * 30 cm * 6 cm an cost me 100 euros, yeah expensive but so cool ...

The think i'm not sure is about the clean boost and the delay, i look for a really good delay with tap tempo and very smoothie, warm; vintage tone, if there is suggestion for me im in :)


To answer some of Paul's objections:

- Yeah it costs, but if you put 10 effects into it, it's now just 10 euros per effect...
- No more or less portable than any other pedalboard we use!
- I actually think it's pretty practical: think of no more little patch cables, a single power supply, and you always have everything without having to remember if you brought or added one new pedal to the board
- If you get bored of one effect, it's not hard to switch it out for another. That's the cool think about having consistent layouts for certain types of effects, three knob drives can be swapped for other 3 knob drives.

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To quote one of Hollands most famous soccer players Johan Cruyff:
"Ieder voordeel heb z'n nadeel" or "every advantage has its disadvantage"...... I say go for it dude!!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Quote from: DutchMF on May 14, 2013, 03:53:13 PM
To quote one of Hollands most famous soccer players Johan Cruyff:
"Ieder voordeel heb z'n nadeel" or "every advantage has its disadvantage"...... I say go for it dude!!

One of the world's best ever footballers!  Some amazing footage out there of his exploits at Ajax and Barca in the 70s  8)


Don't want to derail a thread (again...) but I was in Barcelona in 2003 or 2004 (can't remember exactly  8)) and he was still revered as a G.O.D. there! Complete mind-f*$k to see that!

Back on track: Jyka, please build this! I did some more research on the JAM enclosure, looks cool as I don't know what and not as big as I thought. Might still be a bit heavy once finished, though! (and, as far as I know a first for the MB forum. Enter it in the competition, you'd make a good chance!)

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"