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Pedal Porn and a sad story

Started by Stomptown, May 11, 2013, 08:58:49 PM

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So a couple years ago a friend of mine asked me if I could help him sell some things on ebay. One of the items was a Guild Foxey Lady. I was just getting into pedal building and I knew very little about the pedal so I did enough research to find out that it was a precursor to the Big Muff. I wasn't sure how much it was worth, but I did figure that it was sought after. If I only knew...  I posted it for $400 and added a buy it now price of $600, which I assumed was way too high. After 5 minutes I went to double check my post (I forgot to proof read it) and the pedal was sold! 5 freakin minutes!!! :'( I all of a sudden realized what a mistake I made in posting a buy it now price and I will never do that again with vintage gear! Anyway, my friend had no idea it would be worth so much and was happy to get that so I guess it's no big deal. The bummer is I almost just bought it off of him before I did the research for $100 bucks. Oh well!


Nice, did you sell it for 600.00?what was the proof read mistake?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


if i recall this is a 1000$ plus unit....


Quote from: BraindeadAudio on May 11, 2013, 09:52:26 PM
if i recall this is a 1000$ plus unit....

After it sold so quickly if figured as much! Ugh!!!

Quote from: jimilee on May 11, 2013, 09:03:05 PM
Nice, did you sell it for 600.00?what was the proof read mistake?

Yeah, I had to honor the sale.  :'( There was no mistake, I just wanted to double check that everything looked good.


you dont HAVE to honor the can refund it and say there was a problem with the unit and felt bad selling it, then have a friend sell it hahaha


There are very few things in life one HAS to do, but I give him credit for being a stand-up guy after realizing his mistake.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Hhmmm........ 600 big ones hey, they could have built 15 of 'em  ;D



So you didn't have the chance to screw some dope out of waaaay too much money for some pedal that sold for a less than $20.00 new and most retailers couldn't give away?  Would 700, 800 or even $1,000 keep you out of bankruptcy court?  I doubt it.

I wouldn't feel too badly about it.  I dunno if I'd call that a sad story.  Believe in Karma or don't, your call.


Quote from: pickdropper on May 11, 2013, 10:42:15 PM
There are very few things in life one HAS to do, but I give him credit for being a stand-up guy after realizing his mistake.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Think of it this way, you did your bit for trying to stop the vintage pedal madness.


cool story man, and the fact that you stood up to your word just makes it better.
the world needs more people like you. cheers.


Quote from: frankie5fingers on May 12, 2013, 12:37:37 AM
So you didn't have the chance to screw some dope out of waaaay too much money for some pedal that sold for a less than $20.00 new and most retailers couldn't give away?  Would 700, 800 or even $1,000 keep you out of bankruptcy court?  I doubt it.

I wouldn't feel too badly about it.  I dunno if I'd call that a sad story.  Believe in Karma or don't, your call.

Maybe I've misinterpreted you post, but it honestly comes off as a bit judgmental. If your suggesting that I was trying to "screw" someone over your mistaken my friend. I sold this for a friend so it really doesn't matter to me how much I made - it was his money. My point was that I had an item that was much more rare than I realized and being that this is a community for DIY/pedal enthusiasts I was merely sharing a story and posting some pics of an extremely rare pedal. I'm not losing any sleep over it and my friend was really happy in the end. I have no part in the hype machine that makes these things worth what they are worth. Is it worth that much money? Not to me. I didn't think it sounded very good at all and that's why I didn't buy it. I'm not a collector either. But in the end there are people who want these things for many reasons; including hype. Beyond that, there are also those who collect these because of the history of EHX and the Big Muff. I have a hard time believing someone would pay that price if their plan was to put it on their pedal board and use it because they somehow believe that the Foxey Lady is some amazing sounding Fuzz. It is more likely that it was purchased by a Big Muff collector (his ebay user name had the words Big Muff in it) who is trying to amass a collection of all of the variants. Regardless, an item is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it IMO. I am pretty certain my Karma is in tact and would be even if I made $1000 off of it. We're all entitled to our opinions though...  :)


After this thread I breadboarded one, using legit epoxy dot package 5133s, and SE4010(I personally think there are the best things on the planet) then added my own tweaks and added clipping options Its honestly sub par to most "fuzz holy grails"

Collector scum will pay top dollar for anything to brag to blues lawyer friends about owning it.

Using eaglecad and oshpark with the schematic I posted you can make one for under 60$ including the enclosure.

Itll sound exactly the same, and you can add mods.

Pedals are worth what people will pay for them.....I stopped buying them and make my own.