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Deathklaw with fx loop

Started by Beargod, February 01, 2018, 08:06:10 PM

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This build came together so well. I have built two delays prior to this, the byoc ping pong, and the old madbean zeropoint, but this board was so well laid out that it was a breeze to populate. I put a tiny little buffer from pin 3 of the mix control to the fx send. Despite how it may look i tried to make my wiring tidy, but thats never been my forté.
Here is a quick little demo video with some reverb and flange in the loop.


That is a really cool pedal! Nice underwater theme. I love the FX loop Idea. I have a couple Deathclaws I need to build I would love to add the FX loop. Pin 3 of the mix pot/buffer and then where does the return go to? Sorry for the dumb question..


Quote from: blearyeyes on February 01, 2018, 08:26:49 PM
That is a really cool pedal! Nice underwater theme. I love the FX loop Idea. I have a couple Deathclaws I need to build I would love to add the FX loop. Pin 3 of the mix pot/buffer and then where does the return go to? Sorry for the dumb question..
Thanks. Let me see if i can put it in an easy to read format.
From mix pad 3-->
buffer input (a simple jfet buffer is what I used) buffer output~~>
to send~~>
the mix pot lug 3.

I used switching jacks for the loop and jumpered the switch posts together so it works when nothing is inserted into the loop.

Its pretty fun. I am starting a phaser build next just for the loop. I have a feeling this delay is going to need its own pedalboard for all of tge fx i want to put into the loop.😜


Thank you Bear dude.  I didn't know that adding a buffer make the circuit appear as a separate thing so you can run it back into the same place? Electronics is one of the only things that I cannot wrap my head around, as I have a pretty fat head that fits around most things.. ha!


Quote from: blearyeyes on February 01, 2018, 09:22:26 PM
Thank you Bear dude.  I didn't know that adding a buffer make the circuit appear as a separate thing so you can run it back into the same place? Electronics is one of the only things that I cannot wrap my head around, as I have a pretty fat head that fits around most things.. ha!

Haha to be honest I sort of bumbled my way through, I read somewhere that if you hacked an fx loop into a delay that buffering the loop helped, so thats what I did. I have no idea if it would work just the same without the buffer.


Very pretty!  Unique jack arrangement.
I don't normally like the mxr-type knobs on the few builds I've put them on,
but they look great here.
All You Need Is Love


Looks great, and I would love to hear a few clips with various effects in the fx loop!


Very cool. Buffers help with that fx loop, but I never included them on my delay. I bank on the pedal in the effect loop to have input and output buffers or gain stages, and the fx loop usually comes after the tone control gain stage, which should have the same effect as a buffer. That's what my minimal electronics noodling has shown me.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Quote from: Boba7 on February 03, 2018, 12:48:19 PM
Looks great, and I would love to hear a few clips with various effects in the fx loop!
I made a video for you. Trying a sub n up, t2 verb, pharaoh fuzz clone, and boss ps3 pitch delay in the loop. Didnt spend much time dialing any in, just plugged up and made some noise. I liked the t2 and ps3 the best, I am going to spend some time with them and see if i can dial them in a bit.

Quote from: stringsthings on February 02, 2018, 02:32:10 AM
Very pretty!  Unique jack arrangement.
I don't normally like the mxr-type knobs on the few builds I've put them on,
but they look great here.
Thats half the fun of building for me, i can put my jacks where i want them to make wiring my board up more feng shui, since this is going in the bottom left corner of my board the odd locations make for easy connections. This is the first time I've tried these knobs, figured I would try something new. 😀


Quote from: diablochris6 on February 03, 2018, 01:36:23 PM
Very cool. Buffers help with that fx loop, but I never included them on my delay. I bank on the pedal in the effect loop to have input and output buffers or gain stages, and the fx loop usually comes after the tone control gain stage, which should have the same effect as a buffer. That's what my minimal electronics noodling has shown me.

Good to know, my brother in law wants me to build him one, so now I know that I can save the time building the buffer, and maybe put it into a tidier job on the guts.


I missed your video, just saw it, it sounds GREAT! Very well done!