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Memphis Auto Wah gut pic's & issues. help please

Started by alexander.x, March 25, 2013, 11:53:22 PM

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Hi all. I was hoping that somebody might be able to help me.
I aquired an old (70's?) Mephis (Coron?) Auto Wah and it has issues. It did not seem to work at first. I replaced the battery lead but the blue wire came off something...not sure what. If I touch the blue wire in various places around the trimmer I can hear it oscilate when guitar plugged in and played. I should have taken a picture first.
The brown wire came off the one pot...volume I believe.
Any advice would be great. I have some really good pic's.
I thought someone may be interested in them too.
Sorry for my noobiness.

Yes I have posted  this question on another site, but no results.
Looking for ways to find my own sound and improve my tone, one glob of solder at at time.


i can only get the pics to show up really small so it's hard to make out anything.

have you checked the power rails for voltage? fixing this without (at least) a multimeter is mostly just stabbing in the dark.

since the pots and switch are board mounted, you may want to try re-flowing the solder around those connections as the mechanical vibration from the switching action can cause breaks in the solder.


I took the pic's with an iPad and they came out perfect. I could read the values and everything.
I guess they don't translate well to Photo bucket.
I thank you for your help though.
I have a DMM...I guess i will need to figure out how to use it now.
Looking for ways to find my own sound and improve my tone, one glob of solder at at time.