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bought some boutique stuff....and sold it immediately

Started by small fish, March 22, 2013, 10:13:47 PM

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Not all amps are wired that way. You can't do it if you use stainless steel backed pots, for one, plus other grounding schemes may be used (star grounding, buss ground on the board like Ceriatone, larry style grounding from the Metroamp forums...)
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- Terry Pratchett
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For me I don't really have a problem if someone is selling built kits.  I've seen plenty of people on forums ask, can someone build this echo base for me, just as an example.

Where in think it crosses the line is erasing the name of the board manufacturer, an passing it off as something original to up the price.  That is just selling bull IMHO.

I mean just say it's a tube screamer with tweaked values an great build quality.  The dudes name along would probably up the price enough.


Quote from: jimilee on March 23, 2013, 06:20:36 PM
Quote from: midwayfair on March 23, 2013, 05:49:17 PM
Out him on Freestompboxes, and thegearpage if you feel like going that far.

Building from kits is one step too far; in my mind it borders on fraud.
Guy died though, so he won't be doing it anymore.

Probably died while laughing... all the way to the bank.  8)

small fish

Quote from: aballen on March 24, 2013, 02:06:49 AM
For me I don't really have a problem if someone is selling built kits.  I've seen plenty of people on forums ask, can someone build this echo base for me, just as an example.

Where in think it crosses the line is erasing the name of the board manufacturer, an passing it off as something original to up the price.  That is just selling bull IMHO.

Yep, that´s it. as long as you "build up" some fx and not consider them as your own, it´s ok. I´d compare it to the often sold so called "Keeley mods". They´re sold as "style of Keeley" or "built after Keeley", but his name is still mentioned (of course, not in every shop). Is this case, the pedal seems invented and / or designed by the guy himself (to be honest: maybe some thick gooping would have helped to cover the pcb), which is not true. That was dissapointing to me (and of course the money spent...).

so, if you see me in the shop next time, opening the pedals with my Leatherman-tool, it´s just to see...ehem...where the battery is connected  ;D
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