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VTL5C3 substitution question

Started by hoodoo, March 24, 2013, 08:12:16 AM

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G'day to all, Matt here, putting a multiplex together with the modulation board and having a hard time finding the listed vactrol here in OZ. I know i can get them online easy enough, but i'm cheap  ;) Just wondering if there is a substitute part that will work OK. I came across a post about NSL32's? which i can get easily, do they work, any other suggestions? Any help appreciated, thanks, Matt.


I'm pretty sure you can use a LDR and a LED. I would get a pack of LDRs and socket it to test with. I have had good results with red diffused LEDs with LDR effects. Just a thought.


The VTL5C3 has a very high dark resistance, but it also has a tremendously long light memory and very low on resistance. The NSL-32 behaves similarly in, say, the Afterlife, but still has a smaller range, as its on resistance is much higher. It'll be similar here: you'll still get modulation, and good modulation, but it might be less deep than what you'd get out of the 5C3.


Thanks for the advice. Jon, it was your post on another forum that made me think that i can use the substitute vactrol, and from what you've said here, i may socket it and  give it a go and replace it at a later date when i can get the VTL. All the best, Matt.


There are multiple versions of the NSL-32, and they have a wide range of on/off resistances and recovery times. So make sure you check the data sheets before you order. Do a search for "NSL" at Allied Electronics to see what I'm talking about.
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Quote from: culturejam on March 25, 2013, 03:53:31 AM
There are multiple versions of the NSL-32, and they have a wide range of on/off resistances and recovery times. So make sure you check the data sheets before you order. Do a search for "NSL" at Allied Electronics to see what I'm talking about.

I forgot about this. Smallbear only sells the one, which is the only one I have experience with, and I don't know which version it is. So .... everything I said above may or may not be true!


Just make your own (definitely socket) or I can send one for a couple bucks.  I have a few spares.

Contract PCB designer