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Transparent OD? Egghead?

Started by tuddy24, March 17, 2013, 01:48:22 PM

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Hi All!

I'm new to the Madbean forums.  I've built one non-Madbean project, namely the Modified EA Tremolo, and am officially hooked!  I keep coming back here because this site just feels different and more focused on community and learning, which I love.  Anyways, I'm looking to build an overdrive and after much critical listening to various pedals in stores these are my criteria for an overdrive.

1. Transparent.  No mid boosts, high cuts for me, I like clarity. Similar to a Boss BD-2 but less shrill and less fizzy..
2. Slight boost - moderate breakup.  This is totally subjective of course, but I like some range in a gain knob.  The Boss BD-2 has come the closest to what I'm looking for here.  The negative of that pedal is the ice-picky brightness.
3. Asymmetrical clipping.  I don't know if this is a mental thing but after researching pedals I've liked/not liked, I don't like pedals with symmetrical clipping.  Asymmetrical clipping sounds more colorful and organic to me, even in the Boss SD-1.

So after looking through the projects, the Egghead seems like the perfect build.  Simple good looking circuit, and the right clipping.  the problem is I can't find any sound clips!  Any opinions?  Thanks!


The kingslayer is a fantastic overdrive,  I've built two already.  You can do symetrical or asymmetrical clipping.  I honestly have to really listen to hear the difference.

There are a lot if samples of this one too.  There are a lot if flavors of fuzz out there that I like, but I don't think ill need another overdrive.