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Naga Viper'd Rangemaster?

Started by CurlyMo, February 23, 2013, 07:38:13 PM

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I've been a fan of the Rangemaster circuit for years. Done OC44 straight up, OC44 with cap toggle, OC77 with cap toggle, and settled down the last few years on a couple OC77 builds with Range controls. I would like to include the Naga Viper's Heat control in my next build (how many different versions do I need? Need has been out of the equation a long time...I just enjoy building these). Ideas on how/where would I add that control using the Madbean Rangemaster board?


Do you have a schematic or a Vero layout to look at four comparison?
It looks like lugs 1&2 connect to the negative side of the 40 (47?) uf electro cap located directly after the emitter. The 3 lug connects to the negative of the other electro cap.
I'm going off of the layout from IVIark at tagboard fx.

I just finished the Keeley java boost version of the rangemaster with a cv7003. out of the 4 rangemaster circuits I've built, it's my favorite so far.
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one louder.