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MN3005's on ebay

Started by v00d00blues79, February 23, 2013, 08:29:18 PM

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Found these on ebay and thought i'd pass it along to everyone:

Looks like the guy went through the trouble of testing them.  I got them for a best offer of 2 for $70 shipped, so I'm rolling the dice to see if they actually work.  If not, no risk no reward...  at lease they are coming from the US and not HK or China.  Figured I'd take a shot.




Polida are listing again. A bit more expensive than last time at around $25 (plus the extra $3 delivery that they ask for. I do wish they'd just stick that on the auction and save hassle). No idea if they're good ones or not... Ordered a couple to find out.

Though at this price, that'll probably be it for me. I need one to upgrade a problematic Aquaboy with headroom issues and I fancy upgrading my Aquaboy to one also. After that, CBA with them. They're all starting to take the piss with pricing now.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I dont think £16 is too bad really.
When you consider the cost of commercial mn3005 delays.
What does it cost to make a dirtdag? Maybe...£60? Bargain if you ask me...


Oh it's not bad. It's only about £4 more than they were last time.

I just think I've reached the end of my tether with MN3005/V3205 based delays. MN's because getting the damn things is a PITA. V3205 because of the lack of headroom. I'm not in a hurry to make another one let's put it that way.

These two are to address the headroom issues the fella I built the Black Lagoon for is having with one of his humbucker equipped guitars causing the delay to distort (fine with single coils). The other is to slap in my Aquaboy. I'll then experiment with the double delay board again to see if it's tolerable with MNs.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


These are also claimed to be tested, though he seems a little confused on the manufacturer name (he says Mitsubishi instead of Matsushita).

I'd rather buy Polida, though, if I needed a pair. They have a replacement policy for defective parts and are known to have provided many working examples recently.


Quote from: midwayfair on February 24, 2013, 09:38:33 PM

These are also claimed to be tested, though he seems a little confused on the manufacturer name (he says Mitsubishi instead of Matsushita).

I'd rather buy Polida, though, if I needed a pair. They have a replacement policy for defective parts and are known to have provided many working examples recently.

Polida has been providing mostly working samples, but I wouldn't put a ton of stock in their replacement policy, however.  When I had a bad one, they wanted me to pay for shipping back to them (I did) and shipping back to me (I didn't) PLUS they said that the price had gone up and I would have to pay the difference. 

Because of this, I declined a replacement and just asked for my money back.  They wouldn't refund until I left positive feedback, for which I also declined as I don't believe that is how the system is supposed to work.  At that point, I was more annoyed than determined to get money back.  I eventually agreed that I would leave positive feedback after they refunded.  I agreed to and they did refund the money.  They made it right, but they should've refunded as soon as they had the chip in hand.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Agree with all that. Which is part of my beef with the whole MN3005 affair. They're just too difficult to get hold of reliably these days from reputable people. There has to be another BBD option out there that's not the headroom challenged V3205.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Anyone tried to use the BL3208 that is out there?