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Current Lover with mn3007 on 12v vs 9v

Started by trickpony, March 06, 2013, 05:25:56 PM

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This isnt actually a help request but I thought I would put it here for others that are trying to get 9v to work with mn3007

I just finished building CL with 3007. This is the first flanger I have built. I do have a phaser (smoothie) and a chorus.

At 9v I found it impossible to bias into flanging without pretty heavy distortion. I was pretty sure I did something wrong until I plugged it into 12v.
At 12v I get can get a very clean flanging (close to smoothie phaser but...ummm smoothier?) and that airplane sound on chords when upping the feedback. Very very nice.

Has anyone managed a 9v 3007 build that sounds good?

(FWIW In adjusting the clock with 12v, it is not distortion that stops me moving it, but a detuning sound. With a single note I hear it warble, a kind of chorus that then detunes down in an unpleasant (to my ears ymmv) way. It is very clear when I hit this point and just moving the clock back some cleans it right up. )



Ok, well I am having a problem with noise and the current lover. I am getting a hum that is sweeping with the rate pot. It comes thru when the effect is on, and does not change volume with adj the vol of the amp (same vol even when amp volume knob is at 0) but will get louder if I change the volume level pot on the effect.

At 9v it was ok, but at 12v it is pretty loud. None of my other effects including smoothie exhibit this.
I have tried different adapters and plug them in directly to the wall, with no change.

I pulled the effect from the enclosure with no change...I pulled the led as well.

Is there a filtering cap that I should look at?
How would I go about determining where the noise is introduced?
I do have a road rage I could build to see if that could help.
