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switching question

Started by pedalman, February 07, 2013, 07:20:20 AM

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one 3pdt controling 2 pcbs. do i need something on the "IN" side of each board to prevent interfierence between the boards ?
I mod cheap guitars because my local music store said not to.


Im assuming the boards are in series? If so it would be just the same as plugging one pedal into another, but with a lot of jacks/wires/switch removed. No need to put anything in front of them! Parrallel would be different deal though, you would have to use some sort of splitter/buffer, otherwise both boards would only see half of your guitar signal, and that probably will not sound to good.

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


yes, I'm going for the parallel idea. didn't want to totally give out my plan because this will be my march/April entry
I mod cheap guitars because my local music store said not to.


Like Dutch says, as far as I am aware you will not be able to achieve 'true bypass' with a 3PDT switch for 2 PCB's in parallel.


might have to do 2 switches, may turn out more versatile anyways
I mod cheap guitars because my local music store said not to.