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The Double Dweller (no, not the Dual Dweller)

Started by GermanCdn, February 01, 2013, 07:04:44 AM

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So this was a necessity is the mother of invention type build.  I'd built up the Cave Dweller circuit, was rocking it before I boxed it, and was really enjoying the whole dark delay vibe it had going.  Problem is, I don't share the love for 1590A builds, I find them to be more stress than I'd like, and I didn't have any 1590B's kicking around either.  The circuit was going to look awfully lonely in a 125B all by itself.

Solution - throw two separate time knobs on a 4PDT.  FIlls the space, and gives you options.

I have D1 set for short slapback/faux reverb times, and D2 set for longer delay times.  Really easy mod with a 4PDT (dear Tayda, please restock, I've only got two left) and a couple of LEDs, strategically placed on the same side as their respective knobs so I don't have to remember what colour means what (getting old is a bitch).

Not much more left to say, nice little pedal, easy mods, less space on the pedal board.  Winning all around.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


This is a superb idea. The purple sparklyness is excellent as well! - Music, Builds, other nonsense


I need this, as of now I have a dweller and a multiplex on my board. I live the long delays of the cave dweller
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Nice job!

You could have done the Time pot swap and LED indicators with a DPDT switch. One pole to switch out between lug 3/2 of the Time pots, and the other pole to switch between LEDs. All the other connections can be hard wired.

But your way works just fine, obviously.  :)
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