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Dirtbag mn3005 clock noise

Started by LaceSensor, January 20, 2013, 01:55:46 PM

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Ive built two dirtbags now, with mn3005s
One I have is awesome, permanently on my board. For some reason it has really nice dark repeats, but it also quite grungy, it can overdrive and break up but I dont mind that

The other one, and the reason for this thread, has an issue with clock whine when you turn the delay up above about 11pm  on the dial. Ive even added shielded cables on the ins and outs and its still apparent.

Everything is wired and set up otherwise identically to my other build.
What can I look to do to isolate and eliminate this issue?


Mich P


Mich P

Ok, what i mean is maybe a  bad MN3005
Mich P.


the pedal works though, so i dont understand really.
it had clock noise also with mn3008 (relabelled fake 05's from smallbear)

so I think its something else than the delay chips


Contract PCB designer


Lace, are you using board-mounted pots? Have you tried re-biasing, even "incorrectly"? -- you said the other example has darker/more distorted repeats but no clock noise. Does the clock noise change at all when you reposition the off-board wiring?


Board mounted pots, yes. The wiring is as short and direct as I can make it really.
It does the same thing in and out of the case from what I recall, I assumed boxing it up would benefit but it doesnt. I can post a video when I get time I guess.

Here is the pedal.


Quote from: midwayfair on January 21, 2013, 02:42:15 PM
Have you tried re-biasing, even "incorrectly"? -- you said the other example has darker/more distorted repeats but no clock noise.

tried all sorts of adjustments to all trimpots, yeah
im not sure what it is about my other one, but it has a slightly darker tone, and its not that its distorted, but it will break up when hit with hot signals or other modulation effects quite readily...


fixed. switched out the MN3005s (which incidentally, I checked out fine in my aqua puss builds) and it seems one of them is just a tad awkward to bias properly.
this is now sounding sick.
and will likely be for sale soon....


Contract PCB designer