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Sparkplug is really quiet and a few other problems.

Started by cdicker, January 12, 2013, 06:29:02 AM

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I just finished building the sparkplug and when I pluged it in, it was really quiet.  With the volume cranked even.  All the knobs work except the gain knob doesn't seem to make a lot of difference.  Also, the D3 LED isn't lighting up. Is the the power on LED or does it do something else? And finally when you flip the toggle switch the D2 lights up but goes between distorting really really bad and cutting in and out. Like its about to blow a speaker.   It does get louder though.  Please help cause I like the tone but it has to be cranked.  Thanks



Hey Chris,

When your pedal is really quiet, but does give signal, the first thing to do is check your component values. In this case specifically R2 and R6 as to large a value there would make for a quiet pedal. The D3 led is a clipping led, so it should not light up constantly. If it is not lighting up at all, check the orientation, the long lead goes to the square pad.

After your comment about flipping the switch I'm actually thinking you might have an issue with your transistor. Carefully read what Brian wrote in the docs, there is actually a small mistake on the board, which you need to fix like he describes. Also double check your switch wiring.

Good luck, let us know how it goes!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


I checked the values and they are correct.  When the switch is in the 1/2 position, it is quiet, and the gain doesn't do anything.  When in the 5/6 position, it is a lot louder but it will randomly not work at all.  And then when it does work, the gain doesn't work and when you let it ring out, it fizzles out like a blown speaker.  All distorty in a bad way.  I even changed the IC1 chip and it didn't make any difference.  The LED's both work now.  But when it does that fizzling sound, the LED's both barely go on.  Any ideas anyone.  I'm completely lost and I don't want to give up.
