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Pork barrel speed mod

Started by brejna, January 13, 2013, 01:01:37 PM

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Hi everyone, I suppose there is a way to modify pork barrel's speed knob. I've seen in some univibe's that higher speeds can be dialed by changing resistor that feeds speed pot. Could it be R33 or R34?
Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance


Solved!!  ;D
Option 1) Change R 35 to 510K
Option 2) Change R 35 to 510K and Rate pot to 470K or 500K
Option 3) Change C20 with an 2PDT Toggle switch. put a 10n cap in the middle of 3 way switch (so it's always in the circuit) for super fast speeds, 82n (+10n) for normal, and 220n for super slow speed.
here is the link:



that s interesting . How does it sounds compared to the 'stock' version ? 

Do you think that replacing r37 by another value can increase the depth ?

The thing is : I have an original CE-2 that I use a lot and I built the pork barrel as a backup pedal but I can`t have that classic sound ( rate 10:00 , depth 2:00 ) with my build . I have to use a ' rate 1:00 , depth 4:00 ' setting to achieve this kind of sound , but at this point the ' delay ' sound is to proeminent to my taste .

Tell me if you have any idea how to correct it .   



Hi, I never had a chance to compare original and clone so I realy don't know is there differences.
I've build mine with depthmod that is contained in pork barrels document on the page 6 (R39 changed to 15K, one leg to board and other one to LED'a round/+), I am using MN3007 and the other thing I am runing mine on 15V (road rage).
At the moment I am very satisfied with my build, it sounds huge,wide, warm and headroom is great.
If you didn't build it this way try it! :)
Hope it helpes