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Green Bean-->CJOD mod

Started by jtn191, February 09, 2012, 10:46:15 PM

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Ever wanted to make a Clay Jones Overdrive, aka CJOD? Now you can! This is the BOM you'd need to use with a Green Bean PCB to do so
Differences are in yellow

R2: 1k
R3: 510k
R4: 10k
R5: 10k
R6: 1k
R7: 10k

R8: 1k
R9: OMIT?  ???
R10: 220R
R11: 1k
R12: 1k
R13: 510k
R14: 10k
R15: 100R
R16: 10k
R18: 10k
R19: 10k

C1: 20n

C2: 1uF
C3: 51pF
C4: 220nF
C5: Socket this position...try something lower than 150nF? If your fat switch sounds too dark, try something at a lower value
C6: 220nF
C7: 220nF
C8: 1uF
C9: 100nF
C10: 10uF
C11: 47uF
C12: 100uF

D1-D5: 3mm red LED (or your choice for mod)
D6 1N4001

Q1: BC546B *check pinout
Q2: BC546B *check pinout

IC1: OPA2134A

*same switches as in stock BOM

Drive: 1Meg Log
Tone: 25k reverse taper
Vol: 100k B

you can find the schem at the bottom of this post


schem says 100k reverse (vol), are you sure it's 10k ?


Where can i get one of these Op Amps? Also, is that the Burr Brown? I read somewhere that's what's in the CJOD, i think?

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Yes, that's the Burr-Brown. Most of the usual suspects carry it: Mouser, Small Bear, Mammoth, Tayda, etc.


Sweet, I'm on this! Has anyone else built it? Does it live up to the "Dramatic Overhype"? ;)

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..