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12 notches on my honeydripper now???

Started by octa805, December 31, 2012, 06:36:22 AM

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Put it together and it had the standard 4 different vowel positions. Worked great!

Nothing happened that made me think "oh crap I broke the pot"

Now I can spin the pot around to 12 different notched positions?!??

They all work too but some are better than others

I'm guessing something popped loose in the pot. That sound right? Anything I can do to fix it?



if i remember right, there is a washer that tells the switch how may clicks to have. and you'll scream bloody hell if it falls off during a build. memory seems to remind me i used to tape tose buggers down while putting it together. anyway, break it down i bet its the washer
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !


huh. ok. is the washer external I take it?


yeah the washer goes over the stem of your rotary.  just figure out which hole in the top of the switch gives you four positions and place the tooth of the washer into it.  taping it down is actually a pretty good idea.
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Yeah the washer has a little snub that fits in to limit how many notches are one the pot, the ones I've had, if you hold it in the right light, they re actually numbered..

I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


thanks dudes! I totally chucked that washer in my random parts storage. :)

found it and it's fixed. appreciate it!


No problemo! I have done much worse, and irreversible mistakes haha
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


lol.... its one of those live-and-learn moments
i bet you will never forget about the washer again
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !