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Uncompressed Fuzz-Like Pedal?

Started by milkypostman, December 09, 2010, 03:30:33 PM

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Do you guys have a suggestion for a pedal that could produce an uncompressed fuzz similar to what you can get out of a Fulltone Catalyst?  I only use that as a suggestion cause i used a Catalyst and it truly did sound like one of the best pedals I've heard.  My two biggest problems are that it's only one pedal, so you have to pick one setting and it's a little expensive for me right now.

I have tried a few Fuzz Face clones w/ silicon transistors and just haven't gotten a good tone out of them.  I think I am using too high of gain silicon transistors though and that could have something to do with it.  Regardless, I know that people consider the Big Muff to be a fuzz but the russian one I have really doesn't sound like a fuzz as much to me as it sounds like a distortion.  The problem I have with the big muff is that it clips a little bit muddy at times (I can't pinpoint exactly but I think it's cutting too much high end and the mids are too high).

Anyways, I'm just looking for suggestions for a fuzz-like pedal (or even a distortion or overdrive) that can get you that raspy, grungy, nasty kinda fuzz without making it sound like you're choking a camel.

Just looking for suggestions and discussion.  I dont' have a ton of experience with pedals of different kinds so I may be looking for more of a distortion/overdrive type circuit.


I think definitely a RAT. With germanium clipping it will be pretty fuzz like.


When you say germanium clipping to you mean just using a germanium NPN transistor in the circuit, or is there some mod I'm not aware of.

Also, in looking at the PCB, there are two LEDs, what's the story with that?


Those LEDs are the clipping diodes. Madbean is suggesting using germanium diodes instead.

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Sounds like I need a four-way switch!


Four Way Switch?

Most switches are two way, some are three. You can get rotary switches that will do four or more positions, but you don't need any of those. You can just build the Rat with germanium diodes instead of LEDs...

If you want to switch them, you really only need a DPDT switch, which is a two way switch.

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The Slow Loris is a RAT that allows two clipping option plus a non-clipped option. So, you could sub germs in for the 1n914's. I would suggest two in series on both sides. Alternatively, BAT41 offers very similar results. It will be very fuzzy and may produce a very slight upper octave.

Another fuzzy-like one is the Snack Shack. Completely different animal, though.

Of course, there are probably many projects beyond what's here at MBP that might suit as well.

It's hard to say given your description of what you want. "Uncompressed" and "Fuzz" are not really two things I associate! The inherent 'squareness' of a fuzz is by definition a compressed signal since it's lopping off a good portion of the top and bottom of the waveform. So, really, I think what you are asking is something that has the same texture as a fuzz, but produces a little more slope in the output.

You can comp fuzz-like gain in a non-fuzz pedal by clipping the signal in a way similar to a Rat, i.e. diodes to ground. But, there are other designs that do that like the Crunchbox or the"EgoDriver" (OCD) here.

Is there a particular sound you liken it to, like a recording that you've heard perhaps?


Well, the only way i can explain my dilemma is that I switched from a master volume silverface twin reverb to a redbear mk60 amp (which is basically a JCM800) and before i loved the tone of my big muff and now i'm not so keen on it.  In fact I like the fuzz sound from my fuzzface more too.  Since i've switched amps I've never liked the tone of my big muff.  It's like it's even more compressed and just doesn't sound as dirty as i remember it sounding.  I think it's more of an amp problem than a pedal problem.  But regardless, i'm unhappy with my current pedals and so am just looking for something else.

I am going to swap out some of the preamp tubes for lower gain (all are 12ax7's and the first one should probably be a 12au7 or 12at7) and there are a few mods I want to make on the input channel.

I was considering a rat a while ago so I'll probably just put one together to see how it sounds.

Thanks for all the help.  Lunchtime!