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[Help!] Too much volume egodriver

Started by Davibasket, January 10, 2013, 07:57:19 PM

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Hi I'm David and I'm writing from Italy. I have built the Egodriver pedal and he work but the problem is that the volume is very high although I have changed the volume pot with a 100k one as recommended by the project. can someone help me please? I mounted a linear potentiometer on the volume and gain because at home I found only this type.

Thanks David


It does have a lot of output, although I am surprised the 100k pot did not help. You can lower it further---try 10k linear or log to see if that works for you.


I've tried using a linear potentiometer 10 K but has not changed almost nothing..


You could cut R9 to 75k or 82k, and increase C5 to 470p. That will cut the gain of that stage in half. Max volume will be 6dB lower.


LOL   ;D

you dont see that every day.....a guitar player complaining about volume !
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !