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KingSlayer, Mudbunny x2(Mayo & Civil War), and a nonBean Triple Wreck

Started by GhostofJohnToad, November 29, 2012, 11:39:25 PM

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Had a moment so I figured I'd take some pics of my most recent builds. 
1) KingSlayer
2) Mudbunny Mayo
3) Mudbunny Civil War
4) Sabrotone Vero Triple Wreck - vero'd with boost but not utilized

All of them sound great.  I am most pleased with the sound of the KingSlayer and Civil War in tandem.  They are a perfect team.  Not sure what to say about them.  Pretty standard components I think as spec'd.  I did dink around with the trannys in the Civil War and ended up with 4 MPSA18s.  And both mudbunnys use 470uF  electros for filtering.  Cut down on noise for me significantly.  I don't use anything less on future muff builds.  So without any more text here are the newest members to the stable in all their goried wiring glory.


Mudbunny Mayo

Mudbunny Civil War

Triple Wreck


Love the Kingslayer graphic. The Big Guns one is pretty cool too.


+1 on the big guns graphic,fantastic,  is that a waterslide decal?


Yeah water slide.  Image pulled from obscure clip art discs I had circa 1997 or so.  Reminds me of the movie "Guns of Navarone"


Are you running the KS into the Muff or vice versa? About to do a 2in1 with those... - Music, Builds, other nonsense


KingSlayer 1st then muff.  Tried the reverse but it sounded too squashed.


I love the Big gun look.  The civil war sounds really great, the only big muff i actually like alot.
