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Sunking dual gain pot

Started by MattL, November 18, 2012, 03:14:25 AM

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Hi there, I'm finally getting around to building the Sunking, and I've been through all 64 pages trying to get info on the stereo gain pot...the 100KB. I did find out how it's wired, how it doesn't matter which row goes to which as long as the rows are consistent, but what I can't find mention of is how this pot works. How is it dual gain? I've seen other builds based on the Centaur, and some allow you to have an internal mini-pot for gain 2, which I guess means it could be external too. How does it is it dual gain with one control, and how could that possibly work similarly to two controls? Just a bit confused and hungry for knowledge...I don't see anything in the build that would imply that I NEED to know that to do the build, just looking to find out what to expect for troubleshooting purposes. Thanks!


It's actually pretty simple. There are two audio paths, a clean and dirt. The dual pot sets the balance between the two paths. IOW, when you turn it up, it sends more signal through the dirt path, and when you turn it down it goes through the clean path. These two signal paths are then mixed together just before the tone control.

It's not really a dual gain control in the sense that the two pots work in opposition to one another.


Thanks a lot; now I'll also know what I'm hearing...seems like a cool idea!